Spear Case Study

Spear Fire is a company of a group of professionals with long and high experience in the fire and safety business and a remarkable outstanding success record. They were seeing a continuous denial of market needs and gaps from lots of managements, and therefore lots of struggling customers, in this region. Those professionals decided that they will collaborate together to correct the market situation, cover market gap, provide the best services, supply the best need-matching products and lead the service market of all fire and safety customers, and finally serve the community by supporting the safety of everyone in the region.

Future Screening

Spear Fire, Class A Company, and the Leader of the future of firefighting and safety business in the Middle East.

Spear tasks

Our main task will be listening to and understanding the needs of all firefighting and safety service providers within our markets, to whom we will be providing excellent and sustainable services and suppling future trended, reliable and supremely effective products. It is our mission to cover not only your current needs, but also your future.

For us, it is a crucial responsibility that every firefighter comes back home safely with peace of mind, no matter what the firefighter mission is.

Codes & fundamentals

SPEED & SYNERGY: Customer needs changes rapidly, and accordingly changes technology and innovation trends. It is crucial for any business to cope up with these changes in the same manner. It is also crucial to integrate with the market stream and to be part of it from the manufacturing to the end user, which is why we adopt synergy in our strategy by anticipating and responding quickly between technology innovation and customers’ needs. 

PASSION: Technology development, market trends, challenges, serving our customers, succeeding, winning and serving our community. We are passionate in all our business aspects.

ENGAGEMENT: Our employees are our associates. It is very essential for each of our associate to reach the ultimate potential to optimize our company’ performance. We engage them in driving motivations, providing timely feedback, own their projects and grow their opportunities.

AMBITION: Each one of our associates is ambitious to her/his personal and career success, as well as company success. They challenge themselves, innovate, think beyond tasks and strive to achieve excellence in everything they do.

RELIABILITY: Because building trust takes time, we are dedicated to serve our customers with our full potential and allow them the time needed to trust us, then rely on us, depend on us, have faith in us and touch our authenticity for every single need we can serve them with.