Hazmat Zone Simulator Design
Fire Simulators

Spear Fire, Partnering with Structurus limited in the United Kingdom will offer you the design and build fire simulators for

Spear Fire, Partnering with Structurus limited in the United Kingdom will offer you the design and build fire simulators for training academies. Our partnership with Structurus will be based on operations in this sector that focuses on designing and building training academies for municipal, aviation, HAZMAT, Oil and Gas, and security applications utilizing and applying new technologies, so you can see, hear and conceptualize how your training ground(s) will be built and utilized.
Hazmat Zone Simulator Design
Disaster Zone Simulator Design
Maritime Zone Simulator Design
Oil and Gas Zone Simulator Design
Fire Training Zone Simulator Design
Trench Rescue Simulator Design

The Partnership between Structurus & Spear Fire can provide you training needs analysis and relevant fire scenarios identification, facility concept design in relation to adjacent elements e.g. fire station and how the two facilities will be utilized, simulator types, spacing, and locations within the facility, process control identifications and design, steel prop design, control system design, flame generation system design and identification,  infrastructure design and sharing between different simulators in order to minimize costs, power loading requirements, foundation loading requirements, P&ID, bill of materials, FID, and final budgets.

All of the above is conducted while adhering to international standards and regulations such as NFPA 1403 – Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions and NFPA 1402-Standard on Facilities for Fire Training and Associated Props. The complete list of the standards and regulations we follow are at the end of this document.